Thursday, March 19, 2009

i give up.

i never thought he'd turn out different from the rest, it was like a routine it was always the same, it never really had an effect on me, but now, its different.
I'm different.
I fell in love with a player, and it all just feels like a great big lie.
Im not the same anymore.
i never thought I'd fall in love at this age, i always enjoyed hearing the love stories i always used to wish my life was like it.
Sorta like twilight - minus the vampires, just the intimacy.
But it came, and its changed my whole world around.
In someways for the better, but most , the worst.
everyone says they understand how i feel, but the truth is __
they have no fucking idea how i feel.
They think they can help me through this, they think they can snap their fingers and i'll be back to normal, but it wont happen. i wish they would just stop wasting their time.
i mean its nice to know that they care, but who are they kidding?
i wont change, i cant change. i thought i could. and I've tried, millions of times.
thing is; i don't remember the old me anymore.
i think its time i should just give up, and stop fighting it.
Stop hiding the way i feel, and let the real me shine through.
if people don't like me for it, fuck them their obviously not worth my time.
i'm thinking that, maybe, just maybe what was meant to be the happy ending, is just a new start.

1 comment:

  1. "thing is; i don't remember the old me anymore."

    my reckon?
    you don't gotta go back to the old you. if you always went back to the old you, things would never change. every guy, every fight, every tear is part of the next step, the next 'you'. so i don't think you should try to go to a certain 'you', i think you should just be aware of the 'you' that you are.

    if that makes sense. and that's just my reckon. (:

    [i like the word 'reckon'; they don't use it here. makes me feel like a cool kiwi kid aye :D]
